The PSO-1/ПСO-1 (Прицел Снайперский Оптический / Optical Sniper Sight) is a 4x scope first produced in 1963 as a dedicated scope the new SVD rifle then entering service with the Russian military (McNab, 2023). Featuring reticle illumination, IR light detection, and an integrated rangefinder in a durable package the PSO-1 was one of the most advanced scopes in any military at the time. At the time most militaries were still using scope designs that dated from WWII or the immediate post war era like the APX L806, M84, No32, ZF 4x, or OIP 3.6x.
Early scopes can be found with both NPZ/НПЗ (Новосибирский Приборостроительный Завод/Novosibirsk Instrument-Building Plant) and Izhevsk factory marks (McNab, 2023). Today scopes are produced by NPZ and Belomo (in Belorussia). While initially produced for use on the SVD, variants were latter developed for use on other weapon platforms in calibers other than 7.62x54r. Military variants include the PSO-1C, PSO-1M2, PSO-1M2-1, and the failed PSO-1U. Commerical examples are sold as the POSP 4x24, and numberous variants have been produced for the commerical market.Serial | Year | Model | Manufacturer | Rifle | Images | Notes |
10141 | defaced | ПСO-1 | NPZ | Has 1984 rebuild date. | ||
80830 | 1968 | ПСO-1 | NPZ | |||
70567 | defaced | ПСO-1 | NPZ | |||
72421 | 1970 | ПСO-1 | NPZ | |||
defaced | 1970 | ПСO-1 | NPZ | K-285 | Serial number defaced, has 1981 rebuild date. | |
11473 | ПСO-1 | Izhevsk | Rifle # may be defaced. | |||
16060 | ПСO-1 | Izhevsk | 52804 | Rifle # may be incorrect, partially defaced. | ||
35149 | ПСO-1 | Izhevsk | 11655 | |||
ΠВ13415 | ПСO-1 | 89801 | ||||
ΠВ01445 | ПСO-1M2 | 32494 | Probably from a Tiger (ТИГР) rifle exported to the US. | |||
982521 | 1998 | ПС 4x24-1 | NPZ | Marked "Made in Russia" on side. |
McNab, C. (2023). The SVD Dragunov Rifle. Bloomsbury Publishing.